St. Agnes of Rome was born in 291 AD and raised in a Christian family. Agnes was very beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Her hand in marriage was highly sought after, and she had many high...
O God, bountiful in forgiving,
and lovingly desirous of man's salvation,
we humbly beseech Thy mercy in behalf of our friends,
relations and benefactors,
who have passed from this world, that,...
Baptisms are usually celebrated during regularly scheduled weekend Masses
Instructions for parents of children under the age of seven are offered upon request
Parents and Godparents are encouraged to schedule the preparation before the birth of the child
Call the Parish Office to schedule the preparation (270-442-1923)
Sacrament of First Reconciliation & First Communion
Preparation for the first reception of these sacraments are provided in the parish for all second grade children inclusive of the Catholic school, parish faith formation and home school programs.
Parental involvement is part of the sacramental preparation
All children are required by diocesan policy to be enrolled in formal religious education classes two years before receiving these sacraments
Contact: Kelly Groves at 270-442-1923
Sacrament of Confirmation
Preparation for this sacrament is with 9th graders or any high school student enrolled in Paducah Area Faith Formation or St. Mary High School
All candidates for confirmation are required by diocesan policy to be enrolled in formal religious education classes two years before receiving this sacrament
Contact: Kelly Groves at 270-442-1923
Sacrament of Marriage
Couples wishing to enter into a Christian Marriage are asked to contact the pastor for an appointment
Diocesan policy requires that marriage preparation be scheduled at least six months before the intended date of marriage
Part of the required preparation is a participation in Sponsor Couple or Engaged Couples Encounter
Reservation of the Church and Parish can be made nine months in advance of the wedding date
Contact the parish office for guidelines (270-442-1923 or [email protected])
Funeral Mass
Those wishing to pre-plan their funeral liturgy can download our parish Funeral Planning packet to get started
The recommended readings for funeral liturgies can be found at the USCCB website
Follow link > Scroll down to “Readings from Sacred Scripture” > Click “For Adults” > Select appropriate heading to view all options
Once you have filled out the packet, you can drop it off to the parish office. We will file it and can then use it to help your family when that day arrives.